Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vocabulary Words # 10 (Week of March 8, 2010)

Ego- self-esteem

Subjectivity- personal interpretation based on personal feelings or opinion

Metacognition- knowledge of your own thoughts and the factors that influence your thinking

Epistemology- branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, in particular its foundations, scope, and validity

Mollify- to calm or pacify somebody, temper or soften something

Abrogate- to end an agreement or contract formally and publicly

Bureaucracy- an administration system that divides work into specific categories carried out by special departments of nonelected officials

Viscosity- to have a thick and sticky consistency or quality, a property that causes a fluid to resist flowing

Filibuster- a tactic used to delay or prevent the passage of legislation

Reconcile- to end a conflict or put people back on friendly terms

Vilify- to make malicious and abusive statements about somebody

Aggregate- collected together from different sources and considered as a whole

Vocabulary Words # 9 (Week of March 15, 2010)

Bourgeoisie- middle-class people, materialistic in outlook

Proletariat- working class, wage-earning workers in society

Stop-loss- a provision that limits the amount of some types of insurance or investment loss to a predetermined level

Elucidate- to explain or clarify something

Elusive- hard to find/catch, pin down, or remember

Profligate- wasteful, having low morals

Chasm- A deep hole in the earth, a wide difference in feelings, ideas interests, etc.

Fulminate- to speak critically, to explode

Ostentatious- rich and showy

Obfuscate- to make something unclear, especially to make things complicated, to confuse

Vocabulary Words # 8 (Spring Break)

Hubris- excessive pride, arrogance, or ambition

Popinjay- an arrogant person

Superfluous- more than necessary, excessive, inessential

Neophyte- a beginner, a recent convert to a religion

Portentous- significant, excessively serious, amazing

Sylvan- relating to a forest, wooded area, rural

Impecunious- having little or no money, and so unable to lead a comfortable life

Lucre- money, wealth, or profit

Defenestrate- to throw somebody or something out of a window

Exiguous- limited

Vocabulary Words # 7 (Weeks of April 18-23)

Disport- to behave in a playful manner, to amuse oneself in a playful manner

Transmogrify- to change the appearance or form of something, especially in a grotesque or bizarre way

Oneiric- relating to, in, or similar to dreams* A place I saw in a dream

Pelf- money, wealth, or riches, especially if obtained dishonestly *Robber Barons

Bloviate- to speak at length in a pompous self-aggrandizing way

Neologism- a recently coined word or phrase, or a recently extended meaning of an existing word or phrase

Dishabille- A state of casual dress

Ne plus ultra- perfection, the highest level of excellence

Trammel- a limitation to freedom

Gubernatorial- relating to, involving, or associated with a governor

Vocabulary Words # 6 (Week of April 26, 2010)

Indemnification - to provide somebody with protection, especially financial protection, against possible loss, damage, or liability

Sultry- hot and damp

Raze- to destroy or level a building or settlement completely

Quell- to put a stop to something, usually by force

Mollify- to calm or pacify somebody, temper or soften something

Licentious- pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly, unchecked by morality, especially in sexual matters

Rectify- to correct convert, or purify something

Cognizance- knowledge or awareness of something, the right of a court of law to deal with a particular matter

Pluralism- the existence of groups with different ethnic, religious, or political backgrounds within one society

Tier- a row of seats in rising series

Vocabulary Words # 5 (Week of May 10, 2010)

Mugwump- somebody who takes an independent or neutral position, especially when referring to politics

Muliebrity- the qualities conventionally associated with women

Chevron- a V-shaped symbol, especially one used as a sign of rank on military or police uniforms

Eristic- argumentative

Perpend- a binding stone or brick

Vamoose- to go away quickly

Iatrogenic- a symptom or illness brought on unintentionally by something that a doctor does or says

Jnana- sense of spiritual knowledge or awareness

Fatuous- unintelligent

Doff- to take off or remove, tip ones hat as a sign of respect

Vocabulary Words # 4

Intrepid – fearless

Trepidation - fear or uneasiness about the future or a future event

Despondent - extremely unhappy and discouraged

Decorum - dignity or good taste that is appropriate to a specific occasion

Aspire - have particular ambition

Vacillate - be unable to decide, swing back and forth * Love Triangle

Desultory - aimlessly passing from one thing to another, random

Fallacy - something that is believed to be true but is erroneous, invalid argument

Formidable – difficult to deal with, inspiring respect or wonder because of size, strength, or ability, frightening

Heritage - the status, conditions, or character acquired by being born into a particular family or social class

guru – a leader of a religious group, an admirable teacher or counselor

Vocabulary Words # 3

Subtle – Slight, pleasantly understated

Vehement – Expressed with or showing conviction or intense feeling, done forcefully

Adverse – unfavorable or undesired results

Blatant – offensively conspicuous (attracting attention) or noisy

Alleged -
asserted but not yet proven to have taken place, have been committed, or be as described

Aggravate – to annoy or make worse

Discreet – tactful, good at keeping secrets

Factoid - something that may not be true but is widely accepted as true because it is repeatedly quoted

* The factoid that dogs are colorblind

Flout - to show contempt for a law or convention by openly disobeying or defying it

Forte - something that somebody is particularly good at, to be played or sung loudly

Disinterested - free from bias or self-interest

Monday, February 15, 2010

Vocabulary Words # 2

To bring into agreement;
The Louisiana Purchase was an treaty between the United States and France that stated that the United States would acquire 828,800 square miles of French territory if the agreed to give the French 15 million dollars. This picture is the actual treaty that finalized the purchase of the Louisiana territory.
The United States and France came into accord when it came to purchasing the Louisiana territory.

To conceal one's identity;
In Iran and Saudi Arabia women are required to be "properly covered" this can include wearing a face veil that in some countries is called a Hijab. This is considered modest and usually keeps one's identity private in public places. At first I thought the girl was incognito because she was a secret agent, but then I learned it was because of her religious beliefs.

To take away from an amount or total;
Every year Americans have to do tax deductions. This is when they subtract money from their total gross income.
How much money did you have to deduct from your income this year?

To steal or pass of as your own work without crediting the source;
Plagiarism is very common in both high school and college. To stop plagiarism a lot of teachers have started using websites like
I hope you didn't plagiarize that essay, because we have to submit it to an online website.

Having a very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging rise or fall;
A lot of pools have a interesting architecture which makes it look like you could fall of the edge of the earth. The engineering of these pools helps to create this visual effects.
Your pool is precipitous, I looks like it extends to infinity!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Creative Writing #2 Barder And The Flying Turban

For this assignment we had to create a story based on Jan Von Holleben's photography. We had to the picture below, assume that the dog's name was Barder, and that the orange turban gave him the power of flight. Here is the assignment description.
Barder And The Flying Turban
Charlie and Barder were best friends, they went everywhere together. They flew to Paris once and threw the Amazon. They flew quite often, once the clock struck twelve a.m. When the whole house was quite and little Magnolia was fast asleep.

All Charlie had to do was out on the orange turban.

Every night Charlie would look through his children's Atlas and pick a place that looked the most appealing. He would tell his mum that he would go there tonight, him and Barder. He didn't want her to worry when he was gone. But mum would just laugh, which he found quite odd. He thought she would be more worried. "Be safe," she always told him.

One night Charlie was reading One Thousand and One Nights with his mum. She read him the story of Aladdin. Charlie thought Aladdin was like a distant friend. For he too could fly where ever he wanted, and he had a friend that took him to these places. His friend was called Carpet.

Another night his mum read him a book on Peter Pan's adventures in Neverland. Charlie thought the children were also like distant friends, for they too could fly where ever they wanted, and their friend Peter helped them.

Charlie wanted to be like these people. He wanted to ride with Aladdin and Carpet, he wanted to go to Neverland with the children. But when he went to Arabia, where he thought Aladdin was, he couldn't find him. When he tried to go to Neverland, Barder would not let him (he was probably afraid of the planes and clouds they would have to pass, thought Charlie).

Charlie was frustrated because of these setbacks. He could go anywhere in the world, but he didn't want to go just anywhere anymore. He just wanted t go with Aladdin and fly to Neverland.

But he couldn't.

Barder and the flying turban could only take him so far. They could give him the whole world, but they couldn't Satisfy his imagination.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creative Writing #1 Kain Fleskedere

For Government class we were asked to create a short story based on the pictures from Bill Sullivan's Turnstile Photography Project. We had to pick one of the people from his pictures to base out story around. Here is the link to the assignment description. Below is the person I have chosen and my story.

Kain Fleskedere

Kain Fleskedere was just like every other human on the current earth. He was alive, he worked, he slept, he had emotion. He would like to tell you that he enjoyed being alive, but truthfully, he didn’t. He couldn’t imagine how anyone would enjoy it.

Walking onto the subway he looked around at everyone else. Everyone was doing their own thing. Listening to headphones, reading the paper, talking business, texting, laughing, silence. They all gave off this impression that everything was ok or that their life had some significance that led them to the subway at this very moment. Or at least most of them did.

But deep inside, they all knew. They all knew what they really were, or at least had an idea about it.

Kain hated it. He hated waking up in the morning knowing what would happen after he died, the random thought of it on the subway. Every waking moment leading to another reality, one he could not control.

Every step, every birthday, every second, led to the burning fact that he, along with everyone else, would eventually become monsters.

The year was 2085. Yes, 2012 never happened, it had always been some stupid cult theory. And yes, the government did have secrets. They were holding an alien captive, they did have top-secret advanced military weapons. But secrets were no more. In 2050 on the 12th of November to be exact, the new president Anwar Reanold decided that if we wanted to have a complete trustworthy, working society, secrets would have to be told. Every lie and every secret the government had ever made and kept was told to the public. Everyone had a right to know everything, at least everything about society and the world.

The year to come was complete chaos. Talk shows and radio only talked about the new truths. People were more alert, more judging, but most of all, more scared.

The most impactful truth that President Anwar himself explained took everyone by surprise. The question, “what happens to us after we die?” was no longer such a mystery. Government had always known the answer, for it was all kept on record. Kain thought it was just one of those things that no one should ever know. For it changed your perspective on your own life, forever.

“I know in our modern society, this will be hard to hear. We apologize greatly for keeping this a secret for so long. You sitting at your TV or radio may not believe me. You may rage, scream, hate us, but please be assured, this is no joke.”

Kain was only twenty-one when these announcements were being made. He was invited to a party that night but decided to stay home to watch the broadcast. Hell, everyone probably did.

“Throughout our history we have recorded and analyzed what happens to a person after they die, physically, spiritually, and mentally. These studies have been going on since the beginning of time. The findings have always been known to man, however we have kept all that we know about it between our governments. I admit we have been too scared to tell the people.

My citizens, my friends, death is only the beginning. We have kept this in for too long. Death is the start of a new life, a new being completely. All those fables and myths you have heard as children, all those stories, are true. Vampires, werewolves, zombies. Things like korrigan, bahamut, Spirits, demons. All those things exist. Those are only a few of the millions of…creatures we know about. What does this have to do with your death, you ask? Well these beings are created out of our own deaths. We become these things.

We don’t know how and why this happens. We just know it happens.”

The president continued his speech and showed videos of changings from human to creature, for those who needed visual proof. In this broadcast Kain learned a few things.

  1. After death humans were brought to a part of this world that no alive human could ever enter unless they were an “After Death Government Official”. These areas were in every community, yet they were concealed and protected.
  2. You could easily tell what type of being a human would turn into by looking into their personality, physical features, and thought process.
  3. All beings, besides one group, have at least a hint, if not a lot, of “humanness” still in them.
  4. He would turn into one of these beings, sooner or later.

For a second, he did not believe a word the president said, but only for a second. Mass suicide began after the broadcast. Kain thought this was foolish, because they could still turn into those monsters. He guessed that some people just couldn’t live with the fact of what they would become. The year of 2051 became know as “The Year of Chaotic Truth”.

Looking back now, Kain thought that people were dim-witted.

“How could we be so stupid?” he said lowly to himself on the subway. He stared at the people by him. The lady across from him would surely become a forest spirit. The man two seats behind him, a chakora. The people that would become the more dangerous beings were rarer to see. There weren’t that many of them alive in the same decade.

It was so easy to figure out who would become what. Kain didn’t see how it was possible when the broadcast first told him this, but now, it was so evident. You only had to study people, the way they act, what they say, how they moved, and Kain liked to study people. How could he not figure this out before, how could anyone, who didn’t know the secret already, not figure this out before? He assumed it was because people wanted life to get better, not worse. They were curious, but they didn’t really want to know everything. Everyone was just too high on life, just the way it was.

Kain could feel the eyes of people staring at him. He was used to it. They knew what he would become. They could tell once he walked through the doors of the subway. The way he walked like no one could stop him, confident, slowly, surely. The way his dark eyes showed determination. For a man of fifty-six years, he looked quite powerful.

But don’t get him wrong, he didn’t mean to appear this way, he just did.

He was intelligent and an architect that worked for the city of New York. After the broadcast and a few years into his job he knew exactly where the beings of New York “lived”. Ironic he thought, because they weren’t really alive. He worked on some of the barriers that separated the world of the living and the world of the dead. He was never allowed passed the barriers though.

He stayed on subway until all of the public had left, for today he was going to take a look at one of the barriers to see if it was sustainable. The track outside split into two paths and the subway merged onto the left one. It became pitch black until the subway made it’s way into a huge lit up cavern that reminded Kain of a stadium. He was not afraid, he had been there before.

Outside of the subway stood a construction worker who worked for the government’s After Death Officials. He was awaiting Kain’s arrival.

“Hello Mr. Fleskedere, right this way please.”

The worker led him to the left side of the cavern and up a stone stairway. This stairway led to light and less musty air. He could feel a breeze now. The construction worker was leading him right to the barrier. They reached the top of the steps to find themselves in the city again, only this part of the city was deserted, as far as he could see. This was the city of the dead, and if he just walked ten feet further an invisible wall would stop him. Kain found it interesting how this “world” was still in New York. It was just only accessible by the route he took.

“Alright, so we were just worried about the barrier cuz there’s this new creature, a zombie to be exact, that keeps trying to run through it.”

Kain rested his hands on the barrier looking through the invisible wall like a child looks through the glass at a zoo exhibit. The zombie must have seen them coming, because it started sprinting straight at them.

“Yup that’s the one, I would stand back if I were you”

Kain stayed there though, staring at the zombie. The zombie hit the barrier, which caused it to fall back. It regained itself, heavily breathing, and came into the same stance as him. Kain could swear he was looking into a mirror. His eyes betrayed him for a second, flinching at the sight of it. It looked so human, so alive. It had too much confidence. He wondered if it could still think, understand, if it could remember who it used to be. Could it really just be a cold-blooded flesh eater? No control over it’s body, no feeling for its surroundings? Kain didn’t want to believe that. No. He wanted to have command over himself. He didn’t want to become the only creature known to man to have no self-control, no conscience being, no hint of humanity left. He wanted to be able to understand himself, when he became one of those things.

One of those things. That’s what he was.

Five months later

It was dark. He couldn’t move or say anything, but he could hear them talking.

“We have to hurry before it awakens.”

“Which Citizen is this?”

”Kain Fleskedere. Male. Age fifty-six.”

“Poor Kain, I knew the fellow. He was a good man.”

“Well he is now zombie classification, he will not know you.”

It was light now. Too light. He had awakened, there was no one around. He wanted people for an instant. Comfort. Then that feeling left. He wanted flesh. He would search for it. He could smell it now. He ran towards it. He would get it. That is all he wanted.

Vocabulary Words # 1

Flourish – To be healthy or grow well; To thrive.

The coral reef flourishes with sea life.

Guerilla – A member of a force who fights the enemy using harassment and sabotage as fighting techniques; Harassment and sabotage fighting techniques.

We should use Guerilla warfare when we are going against that paintball team.

Renegade - A person who deserts a cause for another; Traitor.

He joined the other paintball team, that renegade!

Repose – A state of rest, tranquility, peace.

There was repose between the two friends before they started ignoring each other again.

Stereotype – To put somebody in an oversimplified category.

She stereotyped me because she thought I was a poor Mexican.

Symbiosis – A mutually beneficial relationship.

The remora fish and the shark have a symbiotic relationship.

Tariff – A duty or tax on an imported or exported good.

They put a tariff on that bubble gum therefore we shall revolt.

Tempo – The speed, rate, or rhythm of something.

The tempo of that song is extremely fast.

Tranquility – A state of calmness or peacefulness.

There was a tranquil feeling in the air after the finished playing his song.

Tumult – Noisy commotion; An outbreak, riot or uprising.

There was a tumult right outside the president’s office.

Tundra – A vast treeless plain; Arctic plain.

I would like to see the tundra in Greenland.

Unanimous – Agreed on by everyone; In complete agreement.

The clergymen were unanimous when it came to picking the pope.