Monday, February 8, 2010

Creative Writing #2 Barder And The Flying Turban

For this assignment we had to create a story based on Jan Von Holleben's photography. We had to the picture below, assume that the dog's name was Barder, and that the orange turban gave him the power of flight. Here is the assignment description.
Barder And The Flying Turban
Charlie and Barder were best friends, they went everywhere together. They flew to Paris once and threw the Amazon. They flew quite often, once the clock struck twelve a.m. When the whole house was quite and little Magnolia was fast asleep.

All Charlie had to do was out on the orange turban.

Every night Charlie would look through his children's Atlas and pick a place that looked the most appealing. He would tell his mum that he would go there tonight, him and Barder. He didn't want her to worry when he was gone. But mum would just laugh, which he found quite odd. He thought she would be more worried. "Be safe," she always told him.

One night Charlie was reading One Thousand and One Nights with his mum. She read him the story of Aladdin. Charlie thought Aladdin was like a distant friend. For he too could fly where ever he wanted, and he had a friend that took him to these places. His friend was called Carpet.

Another night his mum read him a book on Peter Pan's adventures in Neverland. Charlie thought the children were also like distant friends, for they too could fly where ever they wanted, and their friend Peter helped them.

Charlie wanted to be like these people. He wanted to ride with Aladdin and Carpet, he wanted to go to Neverland with the children. But when he went to Arabia, where he thought Aladdin was, he couldn't find him. When he tried to go to Neverland, Barder would not let him (he was probably afraid of the planes and clouds they would have to pass, thought Charlie).

Charlie was frustrated because of these setbacks. He could go anywhere in the world, but he didn't want to go just anywhere anymore. He just wanted t go with Aladdin and fly to Neverland.

But he couldn't.

Barder and the flying turban could only take him so far. They could give him the whole world, but they couldn't Satisfy his imagination.

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