Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vocabulary Words # 6 (Week of April 26, 2010)

Indemnification - to provide somebody with protection, especially financial protection, against possible loss, damage, or liability

Sultry- hot and damp

Raze- to destroy or level a building or settlement completely

Quell- to put a stop to something, usually by force

Mollify- to calm or pacify somebody, temper or soften something

Licentious- pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly, unchecked by morality, especially in sexual matters

Rectify- to correct convert, or purify something

Cognizance- knowledge or awareness of something, the right of a court of law to deal with a particular matter

Pluralism- the existence of groups with different ethnic, religious, or political backgrounds within one society

Tier- a row of seats in rising series

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