Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vocabulary Words # 7 (Weeks of April 18-23)

Disport- to behave in a playful manner, to amuse oneself in a playful manner

Transmogrify- to change the appearance or form of something, especially in a grotesque or bizarre way

Oneiric- relating to, in, or similar to dreams* A place I saw in a dream

Pelf- money, wealth, or riches, especially if obtained dishonestly *Robber Barons

Bloviate- to speak at length in a pompous self-aggrandizing way

Neologism- a recently coined word or phrase, or a recently extended meaning of an existing word or phrase

Dishabille- A state of casual dress

Ne plus ultra- perfection, the highest level of excellence

Trammel- a limitation to freedom

Gubernatorial- relating to, involving, or associated with a governor

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