Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vocabulary Words # 1

Flourish – To be healthy or grow well; To thrive.

The coral reef flourishes with sea life.

Guerilla – A member of a force who fights the enemy using harassment and sabotage as fighting techniques; Harassment and sabotage fighting techniques.

We should use Guerilla warfare when we are going against that paintball team.

Renegade - A person who deserts a cause for another; Traitor.

He joined the other paintball team, that renegade!

Repose – A state of rest, tranquility, peace.

There was repose between the two friends before they started ignoring each other again.

Stereotype – To put somebody in an oversimplified category.

She stereotyped me because she thought I was a poor Mexican.

Symbiosis – A mutually beneficial relationship.

The remora fish and the shark have a symbiotic relationship.

Tariff – A duty or tax on an imported or exported good.

They put a tariff on that bubble gum therefore we shall revolt.

Tempo – The speed, rate, or rhythm of something.

The tempo of that song is extremely fast.

Tranquility – A state of calmness or peacefulness.

There was a tranquil feeling in the air after the finished playing his song.

Tumult – Noisy commotion; An outbreak, riot or uprising.

There was a tumult right outside the president’s office.

Tundra – A vast treeless plain; Arctic plain.

I would like to see the tundra in Greenland.

Unanimous – Agreed on by everyone; In complete agreement.

The clergymen were unanimous when it came to picking the pope.

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